"Inside Art" Column Premiers on GoLocalProv

Arts writing and reporting is an essential element of a thriving local art community. As someone who believes in the importance of such arts journalism and crticism, I am happy to share that I was recently invited to write a regular column on the visual arts in Rhode Island for the local online news service GoLocalProv. My column, which premiered in early June, will focus on local exhibitions and artists and will contextualize local art for a broad audience. Below, I have included the announcement about this new feature as well as my first three articles from June, 2021. I hope you will follow along with this new project and consider reading and sharing my articles.

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My first piece for GoLocalProv focused on a summer exhibition at Bert Gallery in Providence that will highlight the work of local modernists Walter Feldman, Gordon Peers, and Florence Leif.

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My second article for GoLocalProv previewed the schedule for summer salons focused on a variety of contemporary artists at Coastal Contemporary Gallery in Newport, Rhode Island.

My third column for GoLocalProv was a review of the reopened RISD Museum in Providence.

I hope you will consider following me on social media, where I will be announcing each new article and other ongoing projects. Joining me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest is the best way to stay up to date.

I plan to regularly share highlights from this new project on my personal blog, and will continue to produce occasional articles here on the visual arts outside Rhode Island as well as interviews and other content. Your continued readership is appreciated!
